Jakob Pracek from Slovenia was fastest of the day with a time of 1:35.836 minutes
Anyone familiar with Oberhof from winter sports broadcasts will have noticed that the conditions at the Rookies Cup have always been completely different. This is because in summer, the venue for various ski and luge World Cups is not shrouded in fog and rain, but often has quite reasonable weather. And so it was again this time when the third round of the 2024 PROPAIN Rookies Cup took place in the ridges of the Thuringian Forest.
In addition to the actual event of the Rookies race, the VPACE Kids Cup was held for the third time in a row as an accompanying programme. This is now a permanent fixture and over 100 children between the ages of five and ten took the opportunity to gain their first racing experience. Some of them even dared to take a look at the race track of the subsequent format and marvelled at the skills of the rookies.

Leopold Bertelmann - a U13 rider with a lot of style
Speaking of skills, the PROPAIN Rookies Cup is now the absolute talent factory for young European talent. The standard is so high that it is no longer just the occasional future greats of the discipline that can be spotted. There is clearly a large pool of athletes who can be predicted to have a promising career. Especially in the young classes, the most promising talents from the individual nations find their way to the races. The view from the side of the track is great fun, because it's incredible how stylish and fast the rookies race down the track.

Podium Thuringia Championships: Lino Donath-Franke, Pepe Weise, Moritz Junghans
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Cycling Austria Member Card
Insurance cover for Austrian racesAus Österreich erhielten wir kürzlich eine wichtige Information hinsichtlich der Teilnahme an Rennsportveranstaltungen. Zukünftig muss man als Sportlerin oder Sportler die Austrian Member Card erwerben, sofern man keine Lizenz eines Radsportverbandes besitzt.

Preview Koprivna
RDC #6 KoprivnaFor the first time in it's history, the PROPAIN Rookies Cup visits the Czech Republic. The contestors for the overall will head up against the best Rookies from Central Europe, and as you can imagine, they are used to the demanding tracks of the Jeseníky Mountains.

Registration for Series open
OPEN NOWAfter presenting a packed race calendar, we are now entering the next phase of season preparation. Series registration is now open so that you can register for the EDC, the DHC and the Kids Cup.